Here are some of the responses we have received about the Gold Oz Subscription.
We appreciate all those who take the time to send us their feedback. It always brightens up our day to know we are appreciated.
“Has been fun watching the start of this rally unfold and actually taking part. Your work is fantastic.”
“Hi Neil, thanks for the latest newsletter, always a good read.”
“Really digging this service, nice work with the latest newsletter.”
“Hi Neil, Your timing of last Fri was terrific, & being able to also pick up the’bundles’ you wanted was also fantastic. Thanks for your reports and all your research etc I only wish I had ‘found’ you before now. I got in a bit early with my buys, but I also kept buying small bundles, so hopefully we will now start to reap some gains. Thanks again, I appreciate your work…..”
“Thanks a lot Neil, Really value your work, and have no doubt the rest of the world will catch very soon!!”
“Thanks for your newsletter and frequent postings of how you’re trading your portfolio. I find it very useful.”
“Thank you Neil, I really appreciate your prompt reply and the fact that I can actually email someone with a genuine query who will take the time to reply, particularly on our own Aussie market, is such a bonus. Regards and thanks again”
“Good work Goldoz!”
“Thanks for a great service. Best regards”
“Just a note to say your latest Newsletter is absolutely fantastic. Exactly the sort of info I need to know re macro economy and Gold/Gold markets… You are an amazing Guy [still don’t know how you manage it all] and your research and writings are excellent. Just the sought of intelligence I like [ I haven’t got it !!] to see.”
“I have well and truly covered my subscription now. Thanks”
“Great work Neil, loved it (as always)”
“Hi Neil; just wanted to say that I’m finding your model portfolio and the blow by blow you provide very good. I’ve been following gold and it’s shares for a few years now and have held on to some dogs in the past rather than selling but your guidance has given me confidence to trade and be proactive and I’m showing a nice profit already. Thanks and keep up the good work!”
“Love your work and passion for the detail.I also read extensively on all the global economic issues and out here in the isolated ‘burbs of Melbourne it is good to read educated well thought out research. Best regards”
“Great site. I really enjoy reading your analysis of the passing parade.”
“I have been through most of the content in your website by now, and i think you have published some fantastic material. Your macro view is high quality, and whilst i didn’t try to link history to your projection timing, I get the strong feeling that you have had a good track record in calling the big moves, congratulations.”
“Your Educational Portfolio is fantastic. You sure know how to pick them.
Would be nice to trade alongside in real time. lol”
“Your education has helped me immensely over the past year – thanks.”
“Neil. Just wanted to say well done the quality & info presented in recent newsletters has been awesome. I’ve been on the gold bandwagon for 3yrs now and have a real sense of excitement as it seems the rest of the investment population is finally waking up to the reality of the worlds debt problems.”
“I have been studying your entries on your (educational – Editor) portfolio Neil; you certainly are a brilliant trader!”
“You seem to have a good grasp on where our world is heading …
“Neil, my Gold Oz membership has expired and I wish to renew. I would like to renew with your one year subscription. I respect your wisdom, expertise and I am very satisfied with your hard work and outlook.”
“Hi Neil
Thank you for your work, it certainly helps me greatly. Living in New Zealand I do not have easy access to the information I need to have confidence in my decisions. Your service provides me with the feel for my work that I need. Thank you so match…”
“The call yesterday was certainly unexpected but a welcome surprise. It was nice to put a voice to the person to whom I have read and admired for some time. I identified a handful of writers and articulate gold thinkers who I aligned my investing philosophies with a number of years ago and you are up there with my favorites – the Aussie equivalent to Adam Hamilton (Zeal LLC)!”
“Much appreciated and thanks for extending the subscription period.”
“Hello Neil, thank your very much for your excellent service!”
“It’s great to have your newsletter in these times of financial crisis.”
“Hi Neil, Thank you so much for this fabulous site. I really appreciate all the effort which you put into it, no doubt is is very time-consuming and people like me are very fortunate that you are there to do the tedious and difficult job of putting all the information in the one place and in some order. Your newsletters are so very good – never did economics, but by reading such informative pages, am learning more each day”
“Really like your report on valuing mining stocks, and your recent T.A. on Comex gold.”
“Hi Neil,
Looking forward to another year’s great value for money subscription.
Thank you.”
“I really enjoy your informative subscription and newsletters and it will be great to obtain more value out of Goldoz in upcoming future developments of your service. I am glad I am a subscriber. 🙂 ”
“I have read your latest newsletter, which again funnily enough answered most of my questions!”
“I think that a comprehensive and factual service that is provided by you, inside one of the worlds major producers will be highly sought. And if my regular readings of your expert missives is anything to go by, you will be inundated. I also know that your positive, pro active views will be putting Aussie miners (across the spectrum) in a fair and factual forum. I applaud your efforts and wish every success and profits. Like you awaiting this goldbull.” B. Davis Australia. (Editor – thank you Mr. Davis!)
“Wow! I was impressed with what I learned so quickly. I have no doubt this data will pay for my subscription many times over.”
“Firstly I’d like to thank you for the enlightening session on trading strategy. It provided the cohesive link to all the fragments of data that are available. I can now see that individually most charts plot history but only when selected indicators are combined with different time frames of market movement do they become predictive in a useful way.”
“Hello Neil thank you for the personal service, it is appreciated.”
“Thanks for the welcome. I’m pretty impressed so far with what I’m seeing of your service.”
“As a suscriber to both GoldOz website and consultancy services, I would like to state that you have helped me greatly in understanding the general investing arena as far as Gold / UCG investing goes. Investing in Gold shares is a tricky area to invest in, where much research needs to be done in order to pick the correct stock, out from amongst the so called LIARS standing around a hole in the ground, (i.e stock promoters with no substance). Your research is very good,you make it easier to understand, you have done most of the research, however you still encourage members to do further research on their own of which is a great way to learn. I suscribe to many big hitting newsletters, your advice is up with them, as a matter of fact I cancelled a few well known more expensive services in Australia to suscribe with GoldOz exclusively for Gold research of Aussie Stocks. Your calls have been right on the money, with both Focus and Cougar Energy just to name two. Also with the calls that you did not get 100% correct were met with humble appologies, with detailed explanations where you did not get it correct. Hey we are humans. All in all a remarkable feat in this volatile market.”
“Hi mate – another excellent, informative and diverse piece of “to the minute” data analysis. Thankyou – keep them coming.”
“Your service has provided me with a great deal of time saving! ( I tend to do an enormous amount of research into junior gold mining companies). I enjoy your insightfulness, to which it is easy, for me at least, to concur. Thankyou for the service you provide.”
“I feel that your economy is one of the best managed in the world and I feel more comfortable trading in your market that the U.S. I shall really look forward to this subscription and sure I will become a permanent subscriber.”
“I also very much enjoyed your educational bias with the technical commentary. I really value the learning opportunity…”
“The Gold Members Area is an excellant service. I am confident I now have all the tools I need to make sound investment decisions. No more big losses! From now on I am going to be the one buying at those low points.”
“As for feedback-I particularly appreciate your weekly newsletter & your special stock reports. Keep up the great work Neil.”
“Dear Neil, Much appreciate the DD list! I’m in the camp of waiting for a double dip to happen and then get back in.”
“You short list helped me get out of a bad investment. Thank you Neil!”
“Fascinating to see just how many producers, explorers etc we have on the ASX. I think this is the sort of information post I’ve been looking for “